Crisp Comedy takes place once a month in Leicester, NC at Noble Cider and hosted by Leicesters own Clay Jones! A fresh batch of comics each month so no two shows are the same! This month we are featuring Hunter Roberts from Tennessee! Hunter Roberts is a stand up southern gentleman most recently known as "why is that comic selling soap?!" Hunter became known in the Bible Belt for his highly energetic rants centered around his upbringing in the 90's. He has a dog named Lily, a cat named Trevor, and is the owner of the Clean & Sober Soap Co. He loves Disney and has an entire playlist of Taylor Swift songs. Hunter has shared the stage with late night talk show mainstays like Nate Bargatze, Megan Gailey, and was an official after-party act for Mumford & Sons' Gentleman of the Road Stopover Tour.
ages 21+
Show is free with a suggested donation of $12
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